Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Visit with the Brunto-Nelso's

I am way behind on posts here.  Seems taking care of a wee one requires a lot of time and energy... Who knew? ;)  Our friends Jen, Rodney and their adorable son Rowan came for a visit with Auntie Carrie a couple of weeks ago.  Rodney is an architect by day, but could definitely drop that career in favor of taking photos for a living so I asked him to bring his camera along. Poor Antonia was rocking some male pattern baldness and skin problems (infant issues that continue to plague us to this day, curse them! :)) but Rodney managed to get some great photos.  Here is a sampling of Antonia at about 1 month old:

Our Antonia :)

A cruising Rowan rocking the heart pacifier

I think we'll use this one on the wedding 'Save the Dates' ;)

Everyone was hungry, even Raggedy Ann!

Antonia looking awfully comfortable on Auntie Jen...

...and on Uncie Rodney :)
Little feet

Little hands

Someone in this photo looks like they're having much more fun than the other one is...


Go Antonia

Antonia and I have taken to listening to some rap and R&B in the nursery lately.  We both love getting down to a good jammy jam.  A few nights ago, I managed to capture some of Antonia's moves on film.  Methinks she is on track to be a fly girl...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Smiles! Caught on tape :)

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Antonia started smiling last week!  I've been trying to get a smile on film since then but, as she keeps reminding me, she's not a trained seal... ;)  Well, this morning we finally captured it!  Here is our Antonia in all her smiling glory :).

Friday, March 8, 2013

Money well spent

You may recall from an earlier post that we splurged on a fancy baby rocker contraption called the Mamaroo. Andy was very excited about this man toy...er...baby soothing device ;)...in all it's high tech glory. I insisted we keep the tags on it in case Antonia didn't like it. Well, we tried it several times since she was born and got the same reaction- the loud, bloody murder cry- each time. Each time that is, until earlier this week when in a bold move, we decided to put Antonia down in the Mamaroo while she was crying. We turned on the "ocean wave" rocking motion with some cricket noises and what do you know, she stopped crying! This morning I put her down happy but tired and got the following picture of the results. It turns out this was money well spent after all! :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


The big news is that Antonia started smiling (outside of fits of gassiness...) yesterday! While she still makes you work pretty hard for it, it's really cool to see her making eye contact and connecting like that. Plus, her smile is adorable if I don't say so myself :). I haven't caught a photo of her smiling yet, but here are a few pics of our Antonia at just about 1 month old!