Thursday, November 8, 2012

I'm a big dork... err... baby :). Halloween!

We didn't have any big plans for Halloween this year.  No parties, no gatherings, no nothing.  But, I've dreamed of being pregnant on Halloween and wearing some creative costume so I decided to go ahead and get dressed up anyways.  Unfortunately, I was on a budget of maybe $10 and seriously lacked in forethought so I had to go with what I had on hand.  Then it came to me: I would be Sprout for Halloween!  Babies sometimes have that little belly, so I thought that could work.  We had the black curly wig from a past last-minute Halloween costume, and since I was born with a very full head of hair I figured that fit.  Then I have these beautiful footsie pajamas that Andy LOVES (um... not so much) but they fit the bill as well.  I have baby toys lying around so I added one of those.  I purchased a pacifier (figured we may use it anyways) and tied it to my zipper with some string and there I was- a big baby!  

Gotta show off the side view... :)

Hot, right? :)  Then I thought I would make a nice Halloween dinner.  In another "make it work" moment, I looked around and saw that I had a chicken, onions and celery in the fridge, some rolls sitting on the counter and some fresh sage and thyme on-hand so I got ambitious and made homemade stuffing and roast chicken (yes, we have a decent amount of roast chicken around here :)).  I cut up the rolls and toasted them in the oven.  I sauteed some finely chopped onion and celery and mixed it all together with fresh chopped sage, thyme, chicken broth and melted butter. 

 Then I stuffed the bird's orifices, seasoned her up with some paprika, garlic powder, salt, pepper and olive oil, sat her on a bed of sliced onion and lemon, and let that puppy roast away!

I made an onion gravy from the drippings (not pictured) and I have to admit that the results were rather tasty.  Not a bad Halloween meal!

So, that was our Halloween.  We got disappointingly few trick-or-treaters while the house across the street got TONS- what's that about?  When I was that age, crossing the street wasn't that big a hassle... ;)  Just when we figured that the upside was that we'd have plenty of candy left for ourselves, a group of kids, teenagers and their parents came to the door at 9:30pm and all of them (adults included) took the rest of our candy from a dumbfounded Andy.  He returned to me on the couch clutching a completely empty candy bowl.  Sad. 

Hope you all had a great Halloween!  Since there haven't been enough pics of our beloved Zuzu Puppykins lately, we will end with a look at our sweet first born:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whoops...sorry about deleting that previous comment! It seemed to show up twice so I removed what I thought was the duplicate...

    Anyway, it was just a comment that you'll have to muster up another costume next Halloween! Luckily 9 month olds look pretty darn cute in just about anything!

    1. Thanks Laura! Next year should be a lot of fun! Love reading your blog too!

  3. That is just the cutest thing :-) Love this post and you look adorable!

    1. Thank you! I think I'm fairly adorable too ;).

  4. Totally fun! I would expect nothing less! -Anne J
