Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Trying to pass the time

Zu is helping us pass the time with her melodic singing voice.  Between her lovely melodies and watching the whole first season of Downton Abbey in the last two days, I have been sufficiently entertained.


  1. Erin - I am wondering if Sprout will think this is how we talk. What if this is her first word? LOL

    Don't you have any pull? What can we do to entice our dear little one to join us?

    And I am a bit jealous that you were able to catch up on Downton Abbey. Did you have to purchase the series? Uncle Mark and I want to do this so please share how you accomplished finding them. Love, hugs, kisses to all the singing, howling Fera-Steins!!


    1. In answer to your first question, clearly no, I don't have any pull at all here. Neither does Andy apparently. I'm trying to get Zu to have a talk with her. Maybe we can arrange that for this weekend...

      As for Downton Abbey, we have an Amazon Prime membership that came with being an "Amazon Mom" member. Their new thing is free streaming videos as part of the membership, so the entire first and second seasons are on there for free! It was a great discovery :). If you're not already a Prime or "Mom" member, check it out!

  2. I never noticed this post before. I think you should post this on YouTube. It should go viral :-) You are a doggie communicator extaordinaire!!!
