Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Some things change while others stay the same...

It's pretty amazing how things sometimes seem to change in an instant with an infant.  Antonia began doing a couple new things in the past week: 

She has officially found her hands, and boy are they tasty!

She's also become very interested in mobiles, even the surprisingly cheap one that came on the not-so-cheap Mamaroo swing...

She's beginning to grab at things, including the monkey that hangs off the new bouncer we got to leave in the kitchen so that mommy can actually eat lunch during the day :).

We're enjoying food shopping at the local farm store together.  I couldn't believe the size of this spring-dug parsnip and neither could Antonia:

Some things haven't changed.  We're still giving plenty of smiles...

...and Little Miss A enjoys a nice nap in the car seat as much as she ever did. :)


  1. Awesome booties! She wears them so well! Love you little "A" <3 Aunt Anne

  2. We LOVE those booties Aunt Anne! She wears them all the time! A wonderful gift from a great great aunt :).

  3. OMG- thanks for the lift in spirits. Can't wait to show Grandpa (he is in OT at the moment). I just love your writing (and of course you both!).
