Monday, October 29, 2012

Ultrasound results, 3rd trimester!!!

So, last Friday we reached the 3rd trimester!  I am now 28 weeks and a few days pregnant.  I'm generally doing well, but last Monday I started to have quite a bit of pain in my belly which added to the lovely pain I already had in my back.  I went to see my OB and all was okay; diagnosis was "growing pains" worsened by all the adhesions (inner scar tissue) from my previous abdominal surgeries.  I had already scheduled an ultrasound for last Wednesday because my OB wants to be extra cautious that Sprout is growing okay given my history of Crohn's and bowel surgeries.  Well, we found out a couple things that day.  The concern that Sprout might not be getting enough nutrition seems to be completely unfounded- she was measuring in the 80th percentile for growth and estimated at a hefty 2lbs 11oz already!  If my Uncle Mark and Aunt Anne are reading this, you'll know what I mean when I say this appears to be a "big baby!" ;)  I was 6lbs 6oz at birth and Andy was 10lbs...  I've been hoping for a baby closer for my size than Andy's for obvious reasons.  These things are notoriously inaccurate so we'll see, but at very least she seems to be getting enough of what she needs!  Kinda makes me appreciate the GI system I have left! :) 

We also learned that Sprouty was hanging out in a "transverse" position, meaning her head was in my right side as she was lying horizontally across my body.  Together with her large size, this likely explained the pain I was having.  The pain persisted until Thursday when I saw my acupuncturist and then had dinner with our friend Carrie who conveniently is a midwife.  She showed us some exercises to help loosen me up so that our dear Sprout might move into a position more conducive both to (eventually) giving birth and to less pain for me.  It's a win-win!  Well, I'll be darned if I didn't start feeling better the next day!  Thank you Dr. Tsay and Carrie for making me mobile again!

I didn't get any good pictures from this ultrasound because Sprout wouldn't get her hands and feet out of her face, but I've included some great pics we got from the ultrasound last month.  Hope you enjoy them as much as we did (well, probably not THAT much, but nonetheless... :)).

Sucking her thumb!

A nice view of her hand...

...And her foot!


  1. Glad you are feeling better!! Keep doing the side lying exercise to keep things "loose."

  2. Smiling as I read this (but not for your pain!). It is so wonderful to hear of these reports and the wonderful care you are getting from friends and docs. As much as I enjoyed having lunch with you on Friday,I neglected to say the one thing that kept popping up in my head as we talked- you look beautiful!

  3. Erin - We're reading and loving it! We love you all and can't wait to welcome Sprout, the little thumb sucker (said very affectionately) into the family.

  4. Ooh boy, I have to admit, it took me a few minutes but now I am chuckling away at the Big Baby comment. LOL. Thanks! - AJF
